Resistance Wiki

Guinea Pig is a intel document in Resistance: Retribution.


Over the musty smell of gunpowder and rotten food, I caught the whiff of something too recognizable. I crawled inside a small room and found a dead body strapped to an operating table, its chest cavity open, with needles running in and out of each arm. The patient was human, and had been strapped to the table, as if he were awake during the procedure. If you had brought me here blindfolded and showed me the corpse, I might describe this as another conversion center. The medicine bottles with MDC labels were the only disconnect. The poor chap was strong and healthy before he died. He didn't look a thing like Johnny had in the end, but he smelled the same. Chimera or human, rotting flesh is rotting flesh. Johnny was always concerned with his image... his muscular frame, his coiffed hair, and the expensive cologne he used to buy in Paris. All singed away by the Chimera's cocooning process. What the Chimera made him into those final moments, robbed him of that pride, and made the whole thing that crueler.

-- Journal Entry, 03 September,1951 -- James Grayson

Resistance: Retribution Intel
Retribution A Drain on Our Resources · Blood of the Fallen · Boot Laces and Bubblegum · Burn Before Reading · Cold as Ice · Guinea Pig · Iron Horses · My Brother's Ghost · Never Shrink From A Fight · Pass Me The Scalpel · Revolution, Post-Mortem · Scars of Youth · Sky High Treason · The Chimera Drone On · The Fallen Are Not Forgotten · The Futile Defense · Tracking Mallery · Up Is Down, Down Is Up
Secrets of the Maquis Beg, Borrow, but Mostly Steal · Bouchard's Necklace · Cold Feet · Draco's Dog Tags · Frozen Assets · If You Hear the Cloven · Mallery's Lunch · Out of God's Hands · Radio-Free Rotterdam · Red Crumbs · The Last Reich · The Lowest Depths · The Nights Go By · The Rack · The Scorched Earth · Toaster Shortage · Tricon Rail Line · UED Field Report
Infected A Stink that Just Won't Quit · Alien Blood Diamonds · Alien Erosion · Are We Soldiers or Archaeologists? · Bastard or a Saint, I don't know · Buried Secrets · Chink in the Armour · Dark Mirror · Gray Skies · How Long Have These Been Here? · Power of the Atom · Screaming Roger Cosby · Sirens or Furies · 'Strange' is a Relative Term · Super Sub-Human · The Yanks' Dirty Work · Too Big to Carry · We're Not Alone · Wild Kingdom · Yanks aren't Talking